Last week, we asked you to share your views on the impact that the Brexit campaign was likely to have on your future travel plans - and clearly there are some major worries in households around the UK on the back of a Leave victory in the EU Referendum.

Data compiled in our survey revealed that more than 85% of you were worried in some way about the impact of Brexit on the travel industry - although under 10% of you had placed travel as a major factor when it came to making your decision over whether to vote Remain or Leave.

Based on the Leave vote, nearly 40% of you said that the vote could lead to you changing your holiday plans to either look outside the EU or to even stay back in the UK.

The main concern was the possible loss of the European Health Insurance Card, which currently provides holders with access to free or reduced cost healthcare within Europe.
Nearly 60% were worried that that could go.

The impact of the vote on the value of the pound against the Euro was of concern to 55.3% of you, with just under 50% saying you were worried that the cost of a holiday within the EU would rise.

Flight prices and compensation regulations, mobile phone charges and the impact of losing free trade and a return to duty free were also of concern to more than 25% those who responded.

“Issues like the economy and immigration have been discussed at length by the media in recent weeks, but the impact of Brexit on the travel industry is something that is clearly of real concern to the general public,” managing director Chris Brown said.

“Although we knew there would be people who were worried what the future holds on the back of the Leave vote, a figure of more than 85% was much higher than we expected, and shows that the impact on travel is a bigger issue than many believed.

“Exactly what impact Brexit will have remains to be seen in the longer term as the government works to negotiate our exit from the European Union, but it is still business as usual in the short term as any EU directives remain in place.”


Respondents were given the chance to select from the following seven options if they had expressed concern over the impact on travel in the EU. The full breakdown is as follows:

• Free or reduced cost healthcare through the EHIC programme could disappear: 59.4%
• The fluctuating pound means I'll get less Euros for my money: 55.3%
• The cost of my holiday could rise: 49%
• Leaving the EU will mean a return to duty free and the loss of freedom of trade: 34.4%
• The price of cheap flights could rise: 33.6%
• Mobile phone roaming charges could increase: 33.2%
• EU directives on compensation for delayed/cancelled flights may disappear: 28.1%